DCX - Dialog Control Xtension
Comparison Chart

Comparison DCX MDX
General dialog
Amount of added controls: 34 17
Create controls on the fly: Has feature Does not have feature
(DynamicControl is useless as it cant receive events other than sclick)
Modify control Styles on the fly: Does not have feature Does not have feature
Modify borders/colours on the fly: Has feature Has feature
Dialog Animations: Has feature Does not have feature
Command to minimize and maximize dialog: Has feature Does not have feature
Identify Visible Controls: Has feature Has feature
Get a controls x y w h: Has feature Has feature
Identify enabled/disabled controls: Has feature Has feature
Move controls: Has featureHas feature
Using the Cell Layout Algorithm you can set sizing rules, works like a charm.
Has feature
Though it should really be said that MDX relies on crappy $calc coding and is eating a lot of CPU.
Change dialog icon: Has feature Has feature
Change dialog background and borders: Has feature Has feature
Mark controls (add description): Has feature Does not have feature
Drag & Drop support: Has feature
Some controls
Has feature
Calendar Has feature Does not have feature
Directshow Has feature Does not have feature
Stacker Has feature Does not have feature
WebCtrl Has feature Does not have feature
Rebar Has feature Does not have feature
Panel Has feature Does not have feature
Pager Has feature Does not have feature
DateTime Picker Has feature Incomplete Does not have feature
Tab Has feature Does not have feature
RichEdit Has feature Has feature Undocumented
ColorCombo Has feature Does not have feature
Button Has feature Does not have feature
Events: Has dclick and node expand/collapse which MDX lacks.  
Auto Sorting: Using xdid, advanced auto sorting can be based on a lot of criteria. Only ascending alpha numerical sort using control style so this cant be changed after creation.
Per line colouring: Has feature Does not have feature
Path determination method: Logical and simple. Path is part of the command which you read from right to left. Hard, uses a directory kind of structure in which you have to give browse commands before you can add items.
Control Styles: Sub items icons are supported. Has a nosortheader which allows you to have a buttonless header and has a few more options to the hottrack style.
Sub item images: Has feature Has feature
Column icons Has feature Has feature
Per line colouring of text and background colours: Has feature Does not have feature
Dropdowns and progressbars in an item: Does not have feature Does not have feature
Has progress bars
Does not have feature
$xdid/$did information: Lacks information on the headerdims.  
Events: Has rclick event, a dropdown event for arrows that also returns the suggested coordinates for a popup.  
Control styles: Has a transparent style so the toolbars background is transparent.  
Per item colouring + Bolding of text: Has feature Does not have feature
Autosizeitems to full width: Has feature Does not have feature
Events: Has several events (ie. sclick, rclick, mousebar) Has no events.
Styles: Has a marquee style MDX lacks.  
Text in Progressbar: Has feature Does not have feature
Events: Has a return event when Enter is pressed in the edit that MDX lacks.  
Events: Misses selection events as selection is not supported.  
Selection: Does not have feature Has feature
Events: Misses a up & down event. This can be determined from sclick though.  
Align Updown left or right: Has feature Has feature
Dock to a text control: Has feature Does not have feature
Set individual field ranges: Has feature Does not have feature
Set focus on a field: Has feature Does not have feature
Docked @windows
Events: Misses a whole bunch of mouse events that MDX has.  
Dock more then 1 @window: Has feature Has feature
Capture mouse in @window: Does not have feature Has feature
Different Controls The divider control in MDX and DCX differ so much all they really have in common is the name.
Functionality In DCX a divider is a moving bar that you "dock" 2 controls to. By moving this bar the docked controls are automatically sized. Its also possible to have a divider, in a divider, in a divider, etc. In MDX the divider is a sizing bar that you can move around and in combination with MoveControl and $calc you can adjust controls sizes.
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